Enhance the concept that returning blood to it's normal state as far as PAI-1 being thus, the Plasmin Thrombin modulator or what keeps them in balance which is truly what the body does, in nature all the time. Is done through maintaining PAI-1 at it's normal level.

Many of the coagulation processes are short lived, when inside the blood vessels, thus the concept that fibrinolysis is enhanced is not entirely scientific since PAI-1 reduction has little to do with the entirely self controlled fibrinolysis. That is as long as new fibrin is not formed fibrinolysis continues on, at its own pace. Fibrin degradation products are rarely increased under normal blood flow circumstances.

The evidence for that is that lowering PAI-1 is not associated with an increase in fibrin end products, or fibrin degradation end products. (Scientific literature is readily available). On the contrary those are actually reduced. I realize that this is high level science.  The evidence in the scientific literature is clear, that it is very unusual that fibrin degradation products increase with a normal PAI-1 level, in fact an ancronistic statement.